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Powerful Prayers to Enhance Your Life!

Prayer Works! There is a Power greater than you and you can use it to accomplish your heart's desires! You are meant to tap into this power and use it for good.

Prosperity, Love and Happiness is the natural desire of everyone. This can mean better health, more abundance, more agreeable relationships, or anything that makes life more enjoyable to you! However,
not too many people realize that the key to any form of prosperity resides in one's own mind. That key is prayer, affirmative creative prayer.

This type of prayer is a thing that can be discovered by anyone who will take a little time and a little consistent practice, following certain simple techniques.

There is an unlimited Spiritual Potential within everyone, and once a person learns to tap it, just a little bit, he will soon find that it can have a greater and greater effect in the matter of everyday living.

To Pray effectively, creatively, is to open the door to a wider experience of all that life has to offer ... to really prosper in all the good things the heart desires!

Read the following prayers, aloud, three times a day for seven days
and you will see amazing results over time.
Remember: for prayer to work, you must work! Three times a day, aloud, for seven days!

Print this page and bookmark this site. These prayers will change regularly. Each one is powerful and will change your life for the better.

TODAY, I KNOW I AM BLESSED BY GOD! It is God's pleasure to prosper me and endow me with all the good things of life. I am rich in money, relationships, and creativity!

Today, I am set free. I am emancipated by my understanding of the Truth. I declare my inner dependence on God, on the greatness and glory of the Infinite expressing as my life. I place my faith and trust in God, who guides and sustains me. God assists me in making wise choices. Clearly and confidently, I declare that all is well with my soul. I am expanded, and the goodness of my life is magnified in my joyful and conscious awareness of God's love for me.

Today, I boldly claim my independence from any false belief, idea, or script that would limit my ability to express all of the qualities of God I am here to express. I gladly free myself to be all that I can be. I maintain an attitude of positive expectancy. I realize that this month can be the greatest month I have ever had. Even now, I see that each day is wonderful, filled with prosperity and success. This month is filled with beauty and abundance.

Today, I resolve to spread joy in my world. I resolve to show how much I care as I smile my way through this day and offer assistance to those in need. The more love I share, the more love returns to me. Everyone and everything is a blessing to me.

I know today, that I am totally whole: in mind, body and spirit. I am an individualized expression of Universal Perfection. Every part of my body is absolutely perfect. My faith is unshakable! I am free!

I give thanks for all the beautiful people in my life now. I give thanks for my body, the temple of Spirit, and for all of my comforts and all my conveniences. I give thanks for my uniqueness. This minute I give thanks for my life itself. I am the child of a limitlessly wealthy, Spiritual Father, and I inherit my Father's Kingdom now.

I am filled with gratitude for the presence of God in my life. In faith, I release this prayer to God and allow God to do what God does best! Amen. And so it is, and so it shall be.

Spirit within me is circulating through every atom of my being; flowing in joyously, carrying the life-giving Essence of Love and Wisdom, Truth and Beauty; surging through every atom of my being with Divine Power, Energy and Perfection.

Infinite Spirit of Wholeness and Happiness is within me - joyful is its flow - complete is It's Surge - Perfect is It's Circulation!

Every idea that enters my consciousness, everything that enters my life and my business is assimilated in the flow of this Divine Life; harmonized through Its Unity and Directed by Its Intelligence.
Therefore, the activities of my life and business are balanced and perfected; every function is in
harmony with the flow of the Universe. I rejoice in this circulation and flow of Spirit.

No matter what, I know that I am a success
NOW! I radiate joy and am filled with Faith, Hope and Expectancy. I refuse to think of failure or to doubt my own power because I am depending on
the Prinicple of Life Itself for all that I shall ever
need. I know that there comes to my attention everything that I need in order to project my
business in every direction with the certainty of
success. I see this expansion and pray that it may
bless everyone who contacts it; that I may serve all
my clients and customers beneficially; that all who
know me shall feel my love and friendship and shall sense a warmth and compassion within me. I pray that everyone who touches my business in any way shall be uplifted and satisfied. I bless and praise everyone who is in any way connected with my business. I draw them to me with this irresistible charm of Divine Union. I serve them well and am
well served by them. The reciprocal action of Love
prospers those I serve as well as me.

I am success, happiness and fulfillment. My
business offers only good and receives only good!
I prosper. I suceed. I give benefit.

I am so grateful for all the success and prosperity Divine Love brings to my business today! I take the time to be grateful for everything. I release this
prayer to God. I allow God to bring about Divine Right Action in my Business today!
Amen, and so it is and so it shall be!

WHAT IS PRAYER? We pray either to an Infinite Mind or an Omnipotent Power. Prayer is always some form of communion with the Universal. It reaches its highest possibility when it rises above the limitations of any existing circumstances. This is why Jesus told his followers not to judge by appearances. Jesus did not deny the appearance, he merely said do not accept it as the only citerion. How could anyone arrive at such a faith unless he knew that he was dealing with a Power which can rearrange facts or create new ones?

A belief in the Invisible is the very essence of faith. Prayer, a spiritual communion, demands a complete surrender to the Invisible. It knows that because the Creative Power of God is at hand, all things are possible. Man is powerful because he deals with Power. He may become wise because he is immersed in Wisdom. Thus, he has an inexhaustible Source from which to draw.

Whatever our idea of God may be, the perception of Reality is always an inner perception. As Moses tells, the word is not afar off, but in our own mouths, and Jesus, that "the Kingdom of Heaven is within". The prayer of power is not so much a petition as it is an inner recognition.

We cannot doubt that the Spirit has already made the gift of Life ... since we live. Ours in the privilege of acceptance. Thus we are to assume the attitude of a grateful beneficiary of the Divine Gifts. This should be done simply and directly. The Spirit is not something that was, or that is going to be or become. The Truth is that which is exists at the very center of our being. To pray in Spirit and Truth means to recognize this indwelling Spirit and to declare the Truth about Its activity through us.

God is not poor, weak, sick or unhappy. God is not impoverished, limited or in bondage. It is this Spirit to which we pray, the Reality which we approach at the center of our own being. It is the Silent Partner in every man's life ... a wise and loving Presence ever ready to respond to us. Since we neither created this Presence nor incarnated It within us, there is nothing we can do but accept it. Jesus said, "ye must be born again." The second birth is a birth from duality and appearances to Unity and Reality. Robert Browning said, "There is an innermost center in all of us where Truth abides in fullness."

The purpose of prayer, or spiritual communion, is to seek conscious union with this indwelling Presence.